MPD 2022 A

Samuel Engineering receives Damon Award at Colorado MPD

In the end of April, 2022 Samuel Engineering (SE) attended the Colorado MPD Conference at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, CO.

Over 10 employees from SE in various departments attended the Mineral Processing Conference, including our president, Everod Samuel, and our director of projects, Josh Maida.

Maida and Samuel also co-presented on scarce energy transition elements, which portrayed an emphasis on graphite and lithium extraction and purification plants. Samuel engineering offers services within lithium extraction.

During the awards ceremony of the MPD conference, SE’s CEO, Claudia Samuel and President, Everod Samuel were awarded the prestigious Damon Award. This award is given to individuals who have contributed and heavily influenced the mining industry, all while demonstrating high professional and ethical standards. Claudia Samuel is the first technical woman to receive this award.

Claudia and Everod both went on to give their award speeches. They discussed the necessary steps, work ethic, and discipline it took to get to where they are now.  Claudia stated, “Samuel engineering is my 5th child” in speaking about starting the company in 1996. Everod talked about his journey, from living in a small home in Tempe, Grenada, to his time at Howard University, and ultimately to Samuel Engineering. Both of their speeches inspired many at the ceremony.

To learn more about our President and CEO, click here.

SE has been providing services in Mining for over 25 years and now are an established EPC(m) company within the industry. To learn more about our project history, expertise, and services provided, click the link below.

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